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The Gospel of Luke – Living By Dying

Scripture: Luke 9:18-27 | Speaker: Josh Tong | Date: Sept 24, 2017

What does it mean to live “the good life”? Some say it’s career success. Others say it’s close relationships. One self-help guru summarizes it as “doing what I want, when I want”. Jesus, on the other hand, says that the good life involves suffering. It involves rejection. It involves giving up your dreams and ambitions, and embracing his instead. In this sermon, Pastor Josh explains how we only truly live when we have died to ourselves, and why paying this price to follow Jesus is worth it.

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The Gospel of Luke – Look to the Limitless One

Scripture: Luke 9:1-17 | Speaker: Josh Tong | Date: Sept 17, 2017

We live in a burnout culture. People are routinely busy, stressed, and stretched beyond their limits. What’s the solution? Is it to simply life? Run from our responsibilities? Go on more vacations? Those may be the solutions offered by the world, but the Christian has a better one: look to Jesus, the limitless One! In this sermon, Pastor Josh looks at the familiar story of the feeding of the five thousand and shows us how it encourages us to come to Jesus with confidence, knowing that he will provide everything we need to live worthy of the gospel.

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Audio Sermon – Boasting in Christ Alone
Scripture: Galatians 6:14 | Speaker: Ken Mellinger | Date: Sept 10, 2017

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How We Handle Boundaries Makes Us Or Breaks Us

Scripture: Proverbs 30:18-28 | Speaker: Tim Kerr | Date: Sept 03, 2017

A needless life-altering accident occurred because someone ignored a simple boundary marker. Yellow boundary lines on the road are not there to brighten up our roads. They are there for our protection. We ignore them at our peril. Life is like that too. God has built many boundaries into our life, not to constrain and squeeze us, but to protect us.

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The Gospel of Luke – The Strength of Flickering Faith

Scripture: Luke 8:40-56 | Speaker: Josh Tong | Date: Aug 27, 2017

Too often, we don’t come to Jesus for help because we feel unworthy. We feel that our faith is too weak, and that we need to make it stronger before we can presume to ask Jesus for help. In this sermon, Pastor Josh takes us through the stories of a poor, disabled woman and an influential religious leader to show us that Jesus works in power even when we come to him with a faith that’s barely holding on. We don’t need to get our act together before we come to Jesus, because as the old hymn goes, “If you tarry ’till you’re better, you will never come at all.”

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The Gospel of Luke – Three Ways of Fearing Jesus

Scripture: Luke 8:22-39 | Speaker: Josh Tong | Date: Aug 20, 2017

Many people would say that they respect Jesus. Others would say that they love Jesus. Rarely will you find someone who says that they fear Jesus. In this sermon, Pastor Josh looks at two stories in the Gospel of Luke – the calming of the storm, and the healing of the demoniac – and shows us how these two stories reveal three different ways of fearing Jesus. While two of the ways are undesirable (and even dangerous), one actually has the effect of leading us closer to Jesus, as the fear of Jesus leads us to greater faith in Jesus.

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The Gospel of Luke – Hearing With Ears That Hear (Part II)

Scripture: Luke 8:4-21 | Speaker: Josh Tong | Date: Aug 13, 2017

How do you prepare your heart to hear the Word of God? That’s the key question that Jesus answers in the parable of the sower. One could venture a variety of different answers. Spend more time in the Word and prayer. Get a good night’s sleep. Read the sermon text ahead of time. These are all good suggestions, but they don’t get to the core of the issue. In this sermon, Pastor Josh teaches about the three characteristics of a person that not only hears the Word, but becomes more like Jesus through it.

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The Gospel of Luke – Hearing With Ears That Hear (Part I)

Scripture: Luke 8:1-15 | Speaker: Josh Tong | Date: Aug 6, 2017

One of Jesus’ favourite sayings in the Gospels was, ‘He who has ears, let him hear.’ When it comes to the Word of God, there is a way that we can truly hear, and a way that we can fail to hear. The Word can either go in one ear and out the other, or it can plant itself deep into our hearts, bringing about the fruit of a changed life. In this sermon, Pastor Josh explores one of Jesus’ most famous parables – the parable of the sower, the seed, and the soils – and shows us that the key to right hearing is having a right heart.

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The Gospel of Luke – Extravagant Love

Scripture: Luke 7:36-50 | Speaker: Josh Tong | Date: July 30, 2017

What does love for Jesus look like? Does it look like a faith-filled commitment to believe in him and follow him for the rest of your life? Does it look like obedience to his commands? Yes and yes. But love for Jesus has another face as well, and it is shown in this powerful little story of a sinful woman who loved Jesus with an extravagance that is rarely seen in believers today. In this sermon, Pastor Josh shows us that the only way we can love Jesus like this is to confront the depths of our own sinfulness. Only then can we see the extravagant love that Jesus showed to us in forgiving our sins, so that we can respond to his love with an extravagant love of our own.

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The Gospel of Luke – Finding Our Identity In Christ

Scripture: Luke 7:18-35 | Speaker: Josh Tong | Date: July 23, 2017

What is true greatness? Is it power? Is it influence? Is it net worth? These are the kinds of things the world exalts as the standards of greatness, and they have become so prominent in our thinking that many of us define ourselves by how we measure up to them. In this sermon, Pastor Josh teaches us how Jesus rewrites the rules of greatness, so that our identity isn’t rooted in who we are or what we have done, but in who Jesus is and what he has done.

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