Sovereign Grace Church Toronto Blog

Scripture Memory Challenge


Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.

Colossians 3:16

Our church is embarking on another quest to memorize large sections of the scriptures. We believe that dwelling in the timeless truths of God’s holy word is an important part of a believers walk and something that serves individuals, families and churches in countless ways. Scripture memory is a great way to be soaking up these truths and can facilitate a much more enriching relationship with the texts, than straightforward reading usually achieves.

Here are the details of the memorization schedule and passages. Prizes are to be awarded in each age group for the most verses completed!

Each tier must be completed before moving on to the next tier.

First Tier — 11 gospel verses

Second Tier — 12 gospel passages

Third Tier — Titus 1, 2, 3

All verses to be recited:
• in the order given
• from memory
• with references (before&after) (example “Isaiah 53:4-6”, or “Titus 3”)
• in one sitting during the week of April 21-28, 2018 (final details to follow)

Ages 3-8 (as of January 1st 2018)
Ages 9-17
Ages 18-35
Ages 36 & over

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Dale Belvedere.