Sovereign Grace Church Toronto Blog

RACHAM: Tender Mercies – The Wonder of God’s Mercy

He redeems my soul in safety from the battle that I wage, for many are arrayed against me. Psalm 55:18

Here is hope. Battles are dangerous things. People get hurt, especially if the odds are stacked in favour of one side. When “many” are attacking one “soul”, we may be sure the one likely to get hurt is not the many but the one. That is inevitable, unless a champion comes to the rescue and fights for the one in the midst of battle. This verse tells us that this is what God, our champion, does for us. But did you notice the “means” of this deliverance? Deliverance from overwhelming odds is done by “redemption”—“He redeems my soul in safety”. A price is paid. Blood is spilt. The deliverer dies, that the soul under attack may live! What love!!

Pastor Tim Kerr


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